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Hydro X Fans and Pump profiles keeps reverting to default Quiet, Balance and Extreme


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75% of the time after I have run the Hydro X wizard for fans and pump, these will keep changing back to iCue default, vanilla values. And whenever I want to change back to the Hydro X fans and pump profile again is does not appear in the drop down! See attached pic:

Also to note weird bug with the blank label. iCue is so unreliable!

Anyone experienced these issues before?

I reinstalled Windows as well to make sure, and still same issues persist.


Screenshot 2024-09-02 153433.png

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There have been some lingering fan control issues since the new UI format was introduced in 5.14.  Fan curves with a null value or no name are among the reported issues, although I was hoping 5.18 would be the end of that.  One possibility is CUE is having trouble writing the fan curve setting to its configuration file.  We have seen some variations on that.  After you run the Hydro X Wizard, set the fans and pump to their respective curves, deliberately quit CUE from the task bar, then relaunch.  The manual quit should force it to write to the file and a lot of still unresolved issues involve what happens with CUE when you shutdown or restart the PC when CUE is still running.  Hopefully this one manual quit will save the correct config and not require a manual quit every time.  

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