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ICUE LINK H100i RGB AIO overheating CPU instantly

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I've just built this pc and upon start up the cpu just shot up to 100⁰c instantly on the bios set up? I tried to tighten the aio head to the cpu but it still instantly went up. I don't know what the issue is but I cannot use it at all as it gets so high only on the bios setup.

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Does it have power?  Even in the BIOS state, the lights should be on a clear vibration felt when you touch the pump head.  

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You need one into the radiator end.  You need another to the fans.  That can be a very short hop between the radiator and fans or the fans directly to the other side of the CUE Link hub.  I see the install guide is missing from the H100i CUE Link product page.  Here is the link.  See if things check out on the System Hub Install section.  



Edited by c-attack
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