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Icue link fans connection

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Hello. I have an issue where my cables are not long enough to create a hidden fan setup. I can connect them but a few wires are showing and I don’t prefer this. I have a qx140 fan in the back, a l170 qx140 cooler on the top, 4 qx 120 fans on the sideplate , and 3 qx 140 fans on the front. I have a Corsair 7000d airflow case. The front plate and side plate are connected but I have to use a longer cord that is not a 90 degree connection because they’re too far apart for the short cords.id like to fix this but I am out of ideas. Does any have recommendations to connect all the fans so the cords are hidden? The picture shows the cords in the bottom right I’m hoping to change.


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Don’t forget this new CUE Link system is not serial. You no longer are bound by physical device order nor do you necessarily need to connect all fans into one circuit. You can re-arrange the virtual order within the CUE app to create a specific 1-13 device/fan order for sequential effects. 

The CUE Link 4 way splitter is very helpful for this allowing you to run multiple single cables back to one side of the hub. While it seems counter-intuitive, running longer cables directly to the hub might be better than trying to squeeze in the short cables from fan bank to bank. I am guessing side 4 + 1 rear are one side of the hub and the front + top 7 are the other. There also is a two way splitter that would work there, but more a tiny bit more the 4 way is more versatile. 

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