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Corsair RM1000 2018 Cabling Update to RM1200 Shift 2023


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Been running a RM 1000 from 2018 and been through a few Gpu upgrades, CPU

Tons of ram new 7000x Case, X299 with 10980XE at 64gigs of ram and tons

of rgb.  The PSU is getting old in the tooth for thins intense build, and when OC

with tjmax near 100c,  got a powroff restart instead of bsod in windows and soft

reboot, but a hard one which may be PSU is stressed to far and with cap aging, its

time to move up to 1200RM, which will be 6 years newer, but don't wnna  re do cable 

managment, so can i use the same atx 24 pin cable with PCI ex cables and sata cables

on this new unit? or do i have to run the new cables that come with RM1200 shift?  even 

though they look the same, and not using a 40 series nvidia card , and on EVGA 299 Dark

from 2017 which still use older atx standard.

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the cables are totally incompatible. RM Shift uses the new type 5 cables with smaller connectors.

your current PSU is most likely totally fine. 6 years is alright. when it'll be over 10 years old, maybe start to plan a replacement 🙂

Your reboot issue could be, and most likely is something else. Those hard reboots sometimes happen when using pigtail cables on powerful GPUs

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Oh , thats good.  But with X299 Dark and XE10980 and 14 fans plus controllers, and hubs, and AIO 420

1000 W isn't seem to be enough, because my Cyborpower UPS with PC plugged into battery side, is

pegging its limits on wattage, but no screatching sound though.  so i know im taxing the RM1000, so 1200W

would be more suited for extreme overclocking on that XE to 4.8 to 5 Ghz.  


I heard about the pigtail law with GPU's using 3 pci-ex cables on 3080ti, to avoid this option, so i have cables now

to fullfill that issue.  and wasn't even using GPU, when i was running prime95 which casued hard trestart.  and no

errors either in prime.  And i did notice that the type 5 cables have not only smaller connections, but cable sleeves

are not an issue now for cable managment.  


Any other ideas would be great, much thatks.

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