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Corsair Dominator 3600CL16 on X299 Dark


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1.45v was the general consensus daily use limit for most DDR4.  Some of the Micron kits don't gain anything by going up in voltage, so if you are still at 1.38v and fully stable, I'd stay with that.  You likely will not be able to make any meaningful improvement with another 0.07v but it will impact RAM temp.  

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I had to default back to XMP with some higher sub timings, due to rare instability,  Things work awhile then a restart from no where. And

random game crashes which is probably to super tight sub timings, like trefi, and trcd.  which make aida 64 happy with lower latecy., but at 

a cost of stabilty.  I just leae it alone now at 1.35v, 3600cl16 and auto subs.  things seems solid.

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On 12/6/2023 at 5:21 PM, c-attack said:

tRFC has a specific value that is likely to cause lockups or freezing -- or maybe just errors if testing.  It's usually somewhat specific to the IC and also the density, so somebody running a 2x8 kit can crank down pretty hard while the 2x48 or 4x16 kit will need much higher values.  tRFC definitely will help with AIDA latency or any other benchmark, but it's usefulness in most real world apps is going to be bit lower.  When it doubt, go up.  


I am not sure how much lower you can go with a quad channel board.  Typically the increase in bandwidth comes with some latency cost.  

I ended up putting this setting back , to auto cuz i think it was doing weird things loke an occasional bsod, or restart.  and 990 is way high, but

seems stable for some reason,  I am not happy with a quad 4x16 kit of corsair platium 3600 which is suppost be be an overclocking king, but

seems way to sensitive to anything, but i am running my cascade lake chip at 5ghz all core.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems lowering the cpu speed to 4800, helped much on this setup, being the

cascade lake x cpu's have good imc's, but the high oc, didn't like taxing the meory, but at 3800cl16

and much better latency, seems to help , but seems this setup can do more, seeing aida is at 63ns, now,

and 108000 on reads is way much better.  I know X299 with even more tweaking can get latency

in the 50's on a 420Aio from Corsair.

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