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Please Help With Ram Settings!!!!

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Hello everyone I am new here great site by the way! I just finally went and got a new PCI-E setup I mean I changed everything. I was on a Gigabyte Ultra-939 with a 3200+ Winny. Anyway I started working on the bios setting yesterday afternoon till 6am this morning to get where I am at. My biggest problem is I cant get my ram to post at 1T not even with stock settings no OC. There are just so many settings for the ram I just dont know what to do with them. On my other mobo I had my timings set to 2-2-2-5 1T 1:1. Now I know I am running a totally different setup but after reading through this forum and others I have not seen anyone with the same problem. So maybe someone could give me a hand with these settings. Thank you!


I was also following this guide---




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Well this is what I have done. I went back to stock and changed all my ram settings till I got to 1T here is a ss so you can see. My ram voltage is set to 2.9v. I had it 1:1 till I hit 280 HTT. I am at 290 with the 180 divider setting and I let it prime for 10 hours with no errors. NICE! So right now its a good stable 2.6ghz. I also ran sandra and got ram bandwith score of 7004 and 6923 my and my chip got

12282 Dhrystone and 4194/5428 Whetstone. Thats a lot better than my winny 3200


My stepping is:






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