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I have recently picked up a pair of virtuoso xt and I am quite disappointed that it is not able to switch between audio sources seemlessly on pc.

On my old virtuoso non-se, I can simply switch the audio output between my speakers and headphones by toggling the (wireless to usb) button. This is such a big QOL feature and why is it not available on the xt? On the xt, I have to bring up the sound tab on windows and set the device as default. It feels like a massive downgrade to me that I have to switch the audio output manually on the xt.

There are also posts on forum and reddit which report the same problem, but it remains unsolved.


Edited by BunRecruiter
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  • 2 years later...

Same here. I bought the XT last year for the BT, had been using the SE for 2 years and was delighted. I thought the non-switching upon power off was a characteristic of the XT, but reading so many complaints it appears to be a huge QOL bug.


1- Has this been fixed?

and if not

2- Can we please fix this ASAP? 

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