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AIO Light meanings.

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I have a second hand AIO cooler and I am wondering what different colors mean. When I first installed it, on boot, it lights up white, then would switch to a solid green and stay. Today it suddenly turned to a fading in and out red instead of a solid green after boot. What does it mean? Also curious as to what all the plugs are on it. It has two ports at the top, and 2 on the left side, one of them being for the usb plug to control the rgs. But I plugged the usb into a header and it does not appear on ICUE. Any help with either of these two issues is greatly appreciated!
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What AIO do you have? Some of them will turn red if you reach a critical liquid temp, but the lighting behavior is programmable and handled by the software. More recent coolers have small internal memory to remember an effect when the software is not running and then more elaborate options when it is running.
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I believe it's this older model h100i. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Corsair-H100i-Extreme-Liquid-Cooling/392854047031?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=706-89093-2056-0&mkcid=2&itemid=392854047031&targetid=883392539456&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1002048&campaignid=9562706334&mkgroupid=97137111766&rlsatarget=pla-883392539456&abcId=1140226&merchantid=10252592&gclid=CjwKCAiA65iBBhB-EiwAW253W6CEA5xYJ_biLXZ7--QSsggWf_e64NuLFtJnZbPcSYkwnhasHV4emhoCq2YQAvD_BwE&pageci=d07dc581-53e3-4a63-af70-f658807dbe4c Also, it's not being picked up by ICUE, i plugged the usb cable into the header and it's not getting picked up so I removed it. I was told I need the commander pro to be able to use the rgb controls. But what does it mean now that it shines flashing red instead of solid green? I'm monitoring the temps all the time but its cool as normal. Just weird that it was always solid green and now out of nowhere it started breathing red...
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It’s a H100i (2013). CUE will not detect it. You would need Link 4.9.xx. It is stashed away on the main Corsair website download page.


You don’t need a Commander Pro for this and there really isn’t any RGB. I am trying hard to remember exactly how it the LED worked. It could in temperature mode with the Green/Red stuff. I would download Link and see what you can do. It was fairly basic in options.

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