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VIRTUOSO annnoying sound


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I recently bought the Corsair VIRTUOSO RGB SE and I really liked them. It's true they could be more comfortable, but I think they sound pretty awesome. The problem is that the wired/wireless button is kinda loose and it makes a really annoying sound. This only happens when I'm using a hoddie or when I move it with my finger.

The sound is something like "clack clack clack" and I can hear it inside the headset, Idk if this is normal or is an factoy problem.

Thanks a lot!

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  • Corsair Employee

That is a very unique issue, but we can get this sorted out for you. We'd like to have the unit sent in for a thorough analysis. Can you submit a ticket through the following link and PM me with the ticket number? I'll reach out to support after to have them work out the details with you.



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