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Void Pro USB Sidetone/Mic Feedback volume is low


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Sidetone or Mic Feedback volume levels are low. You can turn it up to 100% and it still sounds like we are hearing ourselves through the headset foam.


Basically the mic works we are using works fine for the person on the other end. they hear us perfectly clear and fine. We however are not hearing ourselves clearly with the mic feedback/sidetone. I know personally i have had it only work on the USB Void Wireless headset but i recently picked up a VOID Pro USB headset and now the sidetone is unbearly low in volume and muffled sounding.


I have gone through exhaustive searches of config files, extra programs, and even complete uninstalls, with orphan file deletions to correct the issue but even with ICue sidetone at 100% i still can not clearly hear myself like i could on the USB Void Wireless headset.


To be clear this is not windows setting issue. I have mic at 100%, its the only one enabled and i have DVD quality audio. I can also when using the listen to this device option the mic sounds fine (with a delay of course due to hear me in the device lag). The issue is clearly with the mic feedback in the headset firmware/hardware and or ICUE settings. The volume level is unbearably low even at max.


I have seen many others with this issue and believe if possible a correction of the sidetone max volume to more than double its current max would be a viable solution and or a step in the right direction.


to help further show this. I have attached a image with a red arrow pointing to the setting that is causing the volume issues.


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