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Corsair Crystal 680X RGB Lüfter + AiO WaKü


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Hallo zusammen,


ich bin neu hier und hätte mal ein paar Fragen :)


Ich bin dabei mir einen neuen PC zusammenzustellen den ich auch selbst zusammenbauen werde. Und für mich stand schon fest das ich das 680X haben will, weil ich das Gehäuse einfach liebe - ist auch schon bestellt.


in der Front sind ja bereits 3x LL120 Lüfter vormontiert, zusammen mit einer Lightning Node Pro. Ich habe aber geplant mir noch eine AiO-WaKü einzubauen - und zwar die iCue Elite Capellix (hier will ich auch die Lüfter tauschen und LL-Lüfter drauf setzen). Zum einen würde ich gerne wissen, wo ich den Radiator am besten montiere. Habe bei verschiedenen Builds gesehen, das der oben oder unten montiert war, bei manchen auch vorne ein 360er Radiator (das wäre aber ziemlich eng für die Kabel und von der Grafikkartenlänge). Sollte ich für oben/unten eher einen 240er oder einen 280er Radiator nehmen? Habt ihr hier ein paar Tipps für mich?


Das nächste wäre der Anschluss der Lüfter. Wenn ich vorne 3 Lüfter habe, 2 Lüfter an der WaKü und 1 hinten, komme ich auf 6 Lüfter. Die kann ich ja leider nicht alle über die Lightning Node Pro anschließen, sondern brauche hier vermutlich den Commander pro. Laut der Seite der Elite Capellix WaKü ist dort ein Commander Core bei (wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe). Was ist hier der Unterschied zum Commander Pro? Kann ich den genauso nehmen für alle Lüfter? Un wie würde das aussehen, wenn ich auch noch 2 weitere Lüfter auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der WaKü montieren wollen würde, da ich dann ja auf 8 Lüfter komme?


Kenne mich mit den ganzen RGB und Lüfter Anschlüssen nicht aus, da ich darauf bisher verzichtet habe xD


Würde mich freuen wenn mir heir jemand etwas weiterhelfen kann :)


LG Felian

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I would be really careful with this. Note that many of the 30 series graphics cards are seriously long. Most seem to be around 320mm. This may prohibit any plans you have of putting in a front mounted radiator.


Incidentally as I understand it, the LL fans are case fans and not ideal for use as radiator fans. Certainly people do use them as radiator fans though.

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There is only place to mount a 360mm radiator in the 680x. It must go on the front rail. A 280mm radiator can go top or front, but many will not be happy with losing the looks of 3x120 on the front of the case glass.


The new Elite coolers will come with a Commander Core. This is a specialized Commander Pro with fan and lighting control for 6 fans, a specialized connector for the Elite cooler, and 1 temp sensor. You will use this instead of your Lighting Node Pro and it will be able to manage all 6 fans for lighting and speed control. If you decide to do "push-pull" with 6 fans on the radiator, you will need another lighting controller for the remaining fans (the LNP). However, I would advise not doing this. It is unnecessary for the 10700K. You just won't generate the watts unless you run CPU renders all day long. It also created a clear GPU length issue for even short cards.

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I would be really careful with this. Note that many of the 30 series graphics cards are seriously long. Most seem to be around 320mm. This may prohibit any plans you have of putting in a front mounted radiator.


Yes, i've already seen some pictures and there was really not that much space. Then i won't put the radiator in the front.


Incidentally as I understand it, the LL fans are case fans and not ideal for use as radiator fans. Certainly people do use them as radiator fans though.


Hmm, that's sad - because imm it's awesome if all fans look the same xD

Maybe i will give it a try^^



There is only place to mount a 360mm radiator in the 680x. It must go on the front rail. A 280mm radiator can go top or front, but many will not be happy with losing the looks of 3x120 on the front of the case glass.


Because the 360 radiatior in the front is a little bit too big, i won't use a radiator in front. Like you said, the look of the three fans is rly nice and it would destroy the look if i put a 240/280 radiator in the front.


The new Elite coolers will come with a Commander Core. This is a specialized Commander Pro with fan and lighting control for 6 fans, a specialized connector for the Elite cooler, and 1 temp sensor. You will use this instead of your Lighting Node Pro and it will be able to manage all 6 fans for lighting and speed control.


Ok, this is rly good to know. So if i buy the iCUE H100i Elite Capellix i don't need any additional commanders? Nice ^^



Then last but not least:

Should i go for a 240 radiator or a 280 radiator at the top?

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My preference would be for a 280mm radiator at the top, along with 140mm fans rear and bottom. Included 3x120 stay up front. The case has a wider look to it and the 140s always seemed a natural fit.


No, you should not need another Commander Pro. You will have 8 fans to manage for 6 ports. You can probably pair the top 2x140 and the bottom 2x140 on standard PWM splitters. Another option is get a powered PWM repeater hub that will pass the signal from 1 control header to 4-8 other fans (all running that same speed). Those are inexpensive and you dump the front fans onto that if. Or put the bottom two on the motherboard.


What is more complicated is 8 fans for lighting control. The case should come with 1 Lighting Node Pro. You are going to need to divide the 8 fans into two groups across the two lighting controllers (Com Core and Node Pro). 6 + 2 (bottom fans) is one way. Then the front/top/rear all act as 1 unit. However, I have done more creative things like running top and bottom halves 4 + 4. Dynamic lighting patterns can't go 1-8 on the fans and are limited to each controller 1-6 and 1-2 or 1-4, 5-8, however you break them up.

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