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Use any temp for fan curve ?


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Hi everyone,


I gave a try to the whole ecosystem to monitor and setup fan curves in 2018 (with now discontinued Corsair Link) and the whole thing was extremely buggy so I didn't keep at it very long.


2 years later I'm willing to give the corsair ecosystem a try again. My specific use cases revolves around fan curves - I have 0 rgb in or out of my case.


I need the ability to drive a Commander Pro fan PWM % by the temp of my GPU (which appears in iCue dashboard). Is this possible or are PWM fan curves only driven by Commander Pro temp sensors ?


Thanks a lot !

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Also on a very technical point, the Commander will use RPM based control and not PWM %. Most of the time this makes no difference, but there are few European manufactured fans that appear to use a different PWM spec. This makes those Vardar, BeQuiet, and Noctua industrial fans problematic to control. There is a fixed PWM % option, but the control curves will use the RPM.
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