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Lightningservice keeps failing


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Just a question: im havbing a problem with Ligtningservice. it keeps on failing on a dayli basis.. my spec is in my profile. im using Icue to controll all RGB, and when the service stops my entire PC hangs up... kinda tired of it.. Icue and all drivers blabla updated.

I have tried uninstalling / reinstalling etc etc... nothing works... are there some fix on this issue yet?


the error that keeps popping up eveyday is:



Bane til programmet med feil: C:\Program Files (x86)\LightingService\LightingService.exe



Problemhendelsesnavn: APPCRASH

Appnavn: LightingService.exe


Tidsstempel for program: 5d1c60cb

Navn på feilmodul: corsairasusplugin.dll


Tidsstempel for feilmodul: 5cf110df

Unntakskode: c0000005

Unntaksforskyvning: 0002e537

OS-versjon: 10.0.19041.

ID for nasjonal innstilling: 1044

Tilleggsinformasjon 1: 86c2

Tilleggsinformasjon 2: 86c2d07f4e556ec4fb21574bbf574de3

Tilleggsinformasjon 3: bc27

Tilleggsinformasjon 4: bc274e187d91022b5b8f2ccb2ffb7634


Ekstra informasjon om problemet

Minneområde-ID: 65834601ed5aa81e391ea45c80d5a4e7 (1810064817454949607)


input from logs:


2020-09-07 10:53:44.4583 | 576 | ERROR: CommandStateMachine | The command 0xFE got System.TimeoutException An exception System.TimeoutException (Operasjonen ble tidsavbrutt.) has occurred. Please see the errors log file for details.

2020-09-07 10:53:44.6717 | 17 | INFO: DevicesMonitor | TIME = 4289(avg: 1012,75) ms

2020-09-07 10:53:44.6717 | 17 | INFO: DevicesMonitor | Devices: 11(72 sens.)




2020-09-07 10:53:44.4583 | 576 | HEMEPC | | CommandStateMachine | The command 0xFE got System.TimeoutException

System.TimeoutException: Operasjonen ble tidsavbrutt.

ved HumanInterfaceDevice.TimingOutThreadRunner.Start(Action action, TimeSpan timeout, ILog logger)

ved HumanInterfaceDevice.HidDevice.Read()

ved HumanInterfaceDevice.HidDevice.GetInputReportAsync(Byte reportId)

ved CorsairLink4.Module.HidDevices.Core.CommandStateMachine.<MoveNext>d__3.MoveNext()

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“Lightingservice” is Asus Aura (Armory Crate). Try reinstalling that. Also, since CUE has a plugin to control it, you either enable the plugin in CUE settings and then don’t launch Aura or disable the plugin if you prefer Aura control over the MB or any other RGB sections it controls.
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