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Unable to install iCue software for my M55 Pro Mouse


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Hi All,


I ordered an M55 pro mouse as being a left-handed user my options are fairly limited. I cannot get the software to install though and it is my understanding you need this software in order to map the left side buttons.


I have tried two versions, and both produce the same error which says the cabinet file cab1.cab required for the installation is corrupt and it never progresses further. I have rebooted etc, but nothing works.


I have also tried downloading it several times and even two different versions the latest which is iCUESetup_3.32.80_release and a previous version iCUESetup_3.20.80_release both the same error.


I've no idea what is wrong, but I am a little disappointed.


I have seen this is fairly common problem elsewhere, but no one has been able to come up with a solution to it.

Edited by rjnicko93
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