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Corsair Crystal 680x Custom Fan/Lighting Diagram??


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Hello. I ordered a Crystal 680x case. I am curious if anyone can make me a custom lighting/fan/cpu cooler/fan diagram. My power supply is a corsair HX Series™ HX1200 — 1200 Watt 80 PLUS® PLATINUM Certified Fully Modular PSU. My motherboard is an Asus Rog Strix Z390 E. At the front of the case it will have the 3 LL 120 rgb fans that come in the case. In the top I will have a Corsair H115i RGB Platinum 280 mm CPU cooler (2 ML 140 fans I believe). At the back is the fan that comes with the case. This fan is not RGB I believe so it can probably be left out of the diagram and I may just connect it to a fan header on the motherboard standalone or simply remove it. On the bottom I will have 2 140mm ML 140 RGB fans. I have 2 Corsair Commander Pro's and two rgb lighting hubs. I have 2 hubs because I have too many fans for 1 hub but also because I have 2 different types of fans and I know they will not work together on the same lighting hub. I only have two usb 2.0 headers internal on my motherboard but I am hoping I can daisy chain it all. If i cannot daisy chain it all I do have a usb 2.0 internal header hub for 4 additional usb 2.0 headers. I also have a fan header hub for 10 fans but I am hoping there is no reason to use that at all. Can you do a diagram for this? It is all corsair parts and everthing will be arriving tomorrow. Settting up my fans is really the only area where I forsee having any issues with at all and a diagram would be hugely helpful. I will not be using any lighting strips.
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