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Combining keys with Scimitar Pro mouse


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Hello, I was playing phantasy star online 2 and wanted to set a few side buttons to register as two combined keystrokes that were not alt, ctrl, or shift. A example would be "`+/". I also wanted it to work while holding down the button until I release it for charge attacks, but I could not get that to work when set as a macro. For kestrokes, I could only set alt, ctrl, and shift with another key so I'm not sure what else could work.
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This is what I originally had that worked, but did not work for charge attacks when holding the mouse button. Like I said before, I did not want to use alt, ctrl, or shift and they were the only ones that I could use under the keystrokes setting so I have not figured out something yet. I want to work for both tapping and holding for charge attacks.



Edited by Maxxamillion
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