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Corsair didn't bothered to explain me how to use their product

Mark Rutzu

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ok so i bought the RGB hub and it basically doesn't come with the cable supposed to be pluged into the usb header of the motherboard making it impossibl to use it. The only cable i have is the sata to power the hub, so i'm asking Corsair how i'm supposed to use this hub if you don't provide the cable needed ?
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LeDoyen responded to you 3 days ago in your other thread.

The hub doesn't connect to the motherboard but to a lighting node pro, or a commander pro. These devices are the ones with the brains to manage the fan RGB. The fan hub is.. just a lighting hub.


But i agree.. when you first get into it, it's completely unclear unless you ask people or come look in the forums. the product boxes won't teach you naything on how that ecosystem works at all.


... Whichs brings us to Zotty's excellent guide to Corsair bits and bobs, which should clarify how the whole thing connects together :


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