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Hello all, new to the forum, and the main reason i joined was to see if anyone has had a similar issue.


I got a Nightsword mouse as a christmas present, and already the rubberied material on the side where your thumb site has worn down terrible, it has only been 3 months, and i use my computer maybe 3 nights a week, so the usage is very low compared to a lot of gamers. I would kind of expect this after a couple years or something but not a few months with little usage.


Has anyone else had this issue? and if so was there anything you could get done about it?

Hello, thank you for your reply. That's the thing, i haven't cleaned it yet, the rest of the mouse still looks brand new. Only where my thumb rests is where it has worn and flaked off. I have put a ticket through, i'm just waiting on a reply at the moment.
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