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So I got my Corsair 220T RGB Case today. It comes with the Lighting Node Core. I previously had a LNP that I used with my lighting strips for my monitors. iCUE is reading the LNP but not the Core. I have two lighting strip channels on the LNP and the 3 RGB fans that come with the case in addition to ML120 Pro fan on the rear of the case are hooked up to the core. The 3 fans on the front of the case are lighting up in what seems to be the default rainbow sequence but the rear fan is not lighting up at all. Windows does detect the lighting node core. What can I do to get iCue to read both the core and the pro? I know I have enough channels available for everything at the moment with just the core, but in the future I plan to get a RGB fan for my CPU, which will put me over the available number of channels with just the core.
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