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Hello everyone and this is my first post :biggrin:.

I have bought Commander Pro and the 2 LED channels HUB support only 3 pins connector. My RGB fans are Corsair LL Series LL120 and the RGB cable that comes from the fan are 4 pins connector. Is there cable or a splitter cable that I can connect my RGB fans that it has 4 pins connector to the 2 LED channels 3 pins? Thanks for any help.

You'll need an RGB Fan LED Hub.

See the RGB FAQ linked in my signature.

Thank for your help. I found the LED HUB at Corsair website for 9.99. But do you know how long it will take to be shipped? I live in Canada because the website doesn't provide any details on that.

Thank for your help. I found the LED HUB at Corsair website for 9.99. But do you know how long it will take to be shipped? I live in Canada because the website doesn't provide any details on that.


I have no idea at all. They usually ship quickly but with the state of things as they are couple with an international shipment ... who knows?

I have no idea at all. They usually ship quickly but with the state of things as they are couple with an international shipment ... who knows?


Thank you for your help. I did order from the website and I hope it will come fast. :sunglasse

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