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Today I returned my second LS100 Starter kit to my supplier. Again one of the 2 long strips started to refuse its job at approx 3/4th of the length, this time taking down the two strips behind it.


Damn, why does this happen to me I think, again with this kit, and it is already the second kit. So when i was preparing my return to the supplier i boxed it again like i received it. And then I discovered something.....


Before I reveal my discovery I did some testing and testing and hell and frustration broke loose. The damn config started to run into artifacts every couple of seconds. Frustrated as I am I pressed the off button... damn, no reaction. What was going on.


Then I connected the strips again, build a 2 monitor setup with my expansion kit and.... the strip was functioning….. for 3/4 making me convinced "it is broken". So I put all aside (had removed it from my dual screen setup, started dinner and after dinner i did do some more testing.


And then it worked….. until the whole config got heated…. And artifacts… returned. Now what is happening here?


First it looks like there are some quality issues with either soldering. Then, the biggest issue... If you unpack a LS100 starter kit, notice how it is packaged. Take a pen and mark where the bending of the long strips are the most.... You will notice when issues arise…. Yes, at that point.


Combined with quality issues at connectors, soldering, the issue with packaging of the Stater kit is making it worse. They should send it in longer boxes.


And what is causing this with the kits.... It finally damages the controller and maybe other strips, making it impossible to put the lightning off as an example.

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