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Corsair H100I platinium RGB don't cool


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I have buy the Corsair H100I RGB platinium somd days ago but actually, my pc say than the processor has a temperature of 80°C just on Windows.

The Big problem is than the watercooling work at 1900 RPM ans Corsair iCue say than the Waterblock has a temperature of 20°C.


I understand absolutly nothing...


Can you help me please (I precise than I have put a Thermal Paste (Thermal Grizzly) and Thé Waterblock is well attached to the Processor)


Best regards.


Have a nice day

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Does the block temperature increase at all? Note that it will take some time to increase (due to those pesky laws of thermodynamics). If it does not, that is highly indicative of a contact issue.


Some other needed info to diagnose:

What is the vCore on the CPU?

What is the load when it's at 80C?

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Yes; the temparture of the block increase a little (19°/20°/21°/22°).

Si you think than if y let turn my pc, the Watercooling will be more efficient ?


The vCore of my processor is probably 95W because I don't change it (ryzen 5 3600x).

The load is just 20/30% at 80°.


Thanks you for your speedy.

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