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[HS70] Fix for Crackling/Skipping and hissing


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So I had my hs70 for 2months and I was playing a game called gris, the game sound was doing weird glitch/skipping/ and between the skipping it was moving the sound up and down, was really annoying. It was not the game but the headset, and I just found that it was doing that on others games.


So how I fixed this problem ?


Unistall icue software with revo, unistall the drivers of the hs70 in windows and restart the computer. Found out that the icue software was providing some sort of drivers with it. When you go on the audio settings of windows you can see that the settings was locked by corsair. So if you dont install icue software, you dont have the custom drivers of corsair and you have the default drivers and can custom the audio frequency and enhancements etc.


And the hissing of when the headset is at 100% is not there anymore !


You really need to do something about that corsair because a lot of people have that issue, and can be fixed by just removing the software that you provide.



Sorry for my english !

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