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How to assign different colours to LL series fans


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I spent a small amount of time trying to work out how to assign different colors to different parts of my LL series fans. Below is a screenshot (off the internet) of the interface where I'm trying to set it (I'm actually trying to do it under the Solid preset)



Basically, all I want to do is set a different color for each dot on a single fan. Is this possible?


I can pick and choose one or more dots (under the Solid preset) by holding down the control key and assigning one color to individual dots but as soon as I attempt to set a different color on other dots the initial colors go away.



Any video or tutorial would be nice.








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Yes, it is possible.


Check out my "iCue for the Link User" videos. While originally intended for Link users coming to iCue (and I do refer to Link a bit), they are still valid. The "More RGB", in particular, will have what you are looking for, IIRC. The link is in my signature.

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