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I've bought today 1 piece of Corsair vs512MB400.

I put it in,BIOS shows it works at 400 MHz,but when i run benchmark memory tests ,like Everest or SiSoft Sandra,my computer performs very low

Even more,in Everest it says i have PC1600 DDR.

I observed my computer has the same performance as it is using PC1600 memory,although my memory is recognized as PC3200.

Why is that?

My configuration is:

processor:AMD Athlon XP 1700+

MB:DFI AD77 PRO(latest BIOS)

i have only one slot occupied.

Please HELP.

Another thing:if i set my memory to 333Mhz the tests show the right results.

For example,in EVEREST:


Read test:1450 MB/s if my memory is set at 400 MHz

1950 MB/s if my memory is set at 333 Mhz

Are you adjusting the FSB of the CPU when you change the memory frequency? In order to successfully run DDR 400 on that board you would need to overclock your FSB to 333.

I understand that i won't get a signifiant performance increase because i have a 266Mhz FSB CPU,but that doesn't mean that it performs very poor when i use 400 Mhz frequency.

Even if i want to overclock my processor,i can't do that because AD77 is a very poor overclocker.

And another thing:I observed in Everest that memory bus has a value of 200 when i use 400 Mhz frequency and when i downclock to 333Mhz in shows 333Mhz.

It seems that AD77 has a bug when i use 400Mhz memory.It recognizes it as 200Mhz memory

Does anyone knows anything about that.RamGuy please help me

  • Corsair Employee

Please make sure that you have the latest BIOS for your MB and load Setup/Optimized default settings, and try the following BIOS settings;


CPU Freq: 133 MHz (266 FSB)

Memory Frequency: 266 or 333

Memory Timing: User Define

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2.5T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 3T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 3T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 8T

DDR Reference Voltage: 2.7 Volts

AGP Voltage: Default *unless you have ATI (9200 or 9600) or NVIDIA (5200 or 5700) then 1.6 Volts suggested!*

All other settings are motherboards defaults

Then please test them one at a time with http://www.memtest.org and let’s make sure it's not some other issue! I would run the test for at least 2-3 passes to be sure!


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