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twinx1024-3200ll & Kv8pro Question?

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Abit Kv8pro



I just purchased twinx1024-3200ll and I can get it to run stable at the settings 1T 2,3,2,6 with my fsb 200. The ram is awesome at those timings but my cpu sucks. I’m currently using a 3000+@64 and lacking horse power from cpu, so for the time being I want to overclock my fsb to at least 220. I know that this will be a decrease in ram performance since I’m going to haft to increase ram latencies. I want to know what are other stable latency timings as well as voltages so I can hit the fsb hard. I will be upgrading my cpu soon so this would be only temporary and eventually I will be to use the ram to its full potential.


Assistance would be greatly appreciated

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