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Memory went bad after a year of service

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My WinXP system have been working flawlessly for more than a year and a half, but programs has been crashing all the time lately, so i decided to reinstall the whole system from ground up. However, the WinXP setup have stopped responding at various points. Sometimes it hangs at check upgrade compliance screen (mine WinXP is upgrade version), sometimes it hangs at EULA screen. Sometimes it give me a BSOD 0x0E, 0x0A. So i managed to test the memory with memtest. Booth sticks failed the test. Sometimes it fails after a couple passes, sometimes it fails after a couple minites. i've tried to test both sticks at the same time, one stick at a time, rised memory voltage, loosen the memory timing none of those works. I've also tested both sticks by lowering the memry speed too (i.e test it at 133/166 Mhz), it fails too. Is there anythings i could do?




My system spec.:

Asus P4P800 Deluxe w/BIOS 1019

P4 2.8C

1GB TwinX CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205V1.1 0321140



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I can't test it on another system because my system is the only one that's utilize DDR memory and capable of 200MHz FSB.


What parameters that you would suggest to test those memory sticks? And do you know if there is a utility that can test motherboard?


P.S. I tested it with Memtest86+ v1.4, v1.5 and Memtest86 v3.2. All produced similar errors.



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