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H115 not cooling.


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Hi All,


I have an H115i that has been working well on my pc for a few months now.

Today however the PC shut down and started reporting OC errors on boot up.


PC not OC's checked the CPU temp in the bios and it was at 100C

Corsair H115i water unit fans running at full speed and CPU not cooling.


Water temp on the radiator was cold. Only neat could be felt in the pipeworks next to the CPU water block.

Removed the CPU water block and the copper base was hot.

My guess is the water pump has failed.


Stuck a Maelstorm unit on that I had on the shelf, and the computer is A.OK.


Any ideas or does it need to go back for warranty??





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It is possible the pump has failed or there is a flow restriction of some type. It's hard to be more specific without some actual data or background information. Normally when you have a flow problem (failed pump or other), the coolant temperature (H115i Temp) will start off low or near normal, than slowly build over time taking the CPU core temps along for the ride. The longer you run, the warmer it gets. It would be hard to get to 100C in the BIOS unless you have the machine running for quite some time.


If you wish to start the RMA process, go ahead. You need a separate account for the actual Corsair site and you will need to upload an invoice to establish when the warranty began.

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