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Question: Corsair DDR4 XMP support for H110/H170


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I don't think so, only Z170, X99 supports DDR4RAM OC.



Some said Super Micro H170 chips may support CPU BCLK OC, but not sure about RAM.



I would say if you willing to spend bit more for RAM, then spend bit more for your Mobo too. AsRock and MSI offers nice entry level Z170 mobo that're in the price of highend B150.

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It is not a memory or mainboard but a chipset issue. The H110/B150/H170 chipsets have their memory ratios locked to spec by Intel. So in general XMP support on B/H mainboards is not that useful apart from using memory with tighter than JEDEC standard timings (like CMD32GX4M4B2133C10).
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