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Looking for a simple, newb-friendly tutorial for mobo installation in a Carbide 400R


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I haven't been able to find any tutorials on motherboard installation into my 400R Carbide that go into any depth beyond "offsets pre-installed, just screw it in." Unfortunately, I definitely seem to be doing something wrong, as the mobo can be fairly easily pushed and pulled back and forth, and unless I pull it away from the back panel I experience shorts.


Case looks awesome, is roomy, the Cosair youtubes are excellent for all other aspects of installation, but the lack of documentation is killing me on this one, basic issue.

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never mind--the problem was that I was using the long screws to install the motherboard, rather than the short ones with washers. Not sure exactly how that caused the particular pattern of problems I was getting, but using the proper screws fixed them.


Scratch that. While I had a long term of stability, it seized after about 6 hours and re-entered the boot/reboot cycle. Attaching offsets didn't seem to help.

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The only inexcusable issue I see with a 1st time builder using this case is that the 400R is missing the center "alignment nub" that the other Corsair cases have. At least the motherboard standoffs were already installed.


And, if you want to see a fast 400R build, check out Corsair's official YouTube build:

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