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Refurbished H100i Warranty??


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I'm specing up a new build now the new Z97 Mobo'sd are out.

I want a Corsair 450D case with H100i cooling.

Scan PC are offering a manufacturer refurbished H100i for a good price.

What I want to know is, what warranty does the manufacturer refurbished unit have?

This is the first time I've used a liquid cooler, so a little nervous of it leaking and making all my other components go bang.

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they changed it to a year. this is from the support/warranty link from the main site. http://www.corsair.com/en-us/support/warranty

Refurbished or Factory Reconditioned Products


Corsair offers a 30-day, replacement-only warranty for refurbished or factory reconditioned Memory, SSD and USB parts.

Corsair offers a 90-day, replacement-only warranty for refurbished or factory reconditioned Audio and Gaming Peripheral units.

Corsair offers a 1 year, replacement-only warranty for refurbished or factory reconditioned PSUs, Cases and Cooling units.

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I hope it's a really big savings cause a new one comes with a 5 yr warranty. with a water cooler id'e opt and spend a few more dollars in case it sprung a leak as corsair covers your pc parts as well if it leaks
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