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Corsair Link not detecting H80i


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I'm in the same boat as many others. Version 2.4.?? detected my H80i just fine, but now on version 2.6.5214 it's not seeing anything.


I did the Windows 8.1 fix awhile ago, could that be the problem? My current keys are:


AllowIdlelrplnD3 - 1
DeviceSelectedSuspended - 1
EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled - 1
EnumerationRetryCount - 0
SelectiveSuspendEnabled - 0


Or is the cause something else?

Thanks everyone!

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Change the first three entries in your list to 0. And see if that helps.


Thanks, that seemed to fix it!

Hopefully my LED color doesn't reset after my computer shuts down like a lot of people are experiencing.

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