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AX760 Fan noise in Cooling Mode


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Hi All,


I received my AX760 replacement form corsair after i rma'd my ax750,

I connected it to the motherboard only and a dvd drive Hence - low load.

First thing i noticed is that when i select the cooling mode, i can hear the fan noise from 20 - 30 cm away. The noise is a quite noise but has some medium/high pitch sounds as well as the lower frequency noise and hum. I an tell its coming from the fan as when i switch to hybrid mode the sound is gone - complete silence. Now the reason why i am noticed this is because when i had my AX750 the fan was virtually silent, couldn't hear it. I could see it spinning when i applied load but no sound. Why is this? I also notice some dust on the fan blades when it is suppose to be brand new boxed unit. I wonder if i have received one with a faulty fan or fan bearing?

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