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Air 540 H100i airflow questions


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I am currently planning my first build. I plan to use an air 540 case. My planned build is here http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3wHZr

I have been researching a bit but have some lingering airflow questions.


I think I want a positive pressure as far as fan configuration goes since the Air 540 has plenty of passive ventilation in the rear to avoid stagnant air.


I want to replace the stock fans with AF 140 quiets


I plan to mount my H100I on top with a pull exhaust configuration. In order to maintain positive pressure, I would need to reverse my rear exhaust to an intake. 3x 140 mm corsair AF 140 quiets intake( two in front one the reversed exhaust in back) 2x 120mm exhaust out the top, and passive exhaust from the rear grill. Is this misguided? I have seen it suggested on this forum.


The second question I have is mounting the H100i as exhaust with a pull configuration (per Linus TT) would 120mm SPs or AFs be better since the fan is drawing air through the radiator rather than pushing it?

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