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H100i again


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Hello guyz again. Iam very disappointed for my h100i. This unit come some weeks ago as my fourth RMA. First start was ok expect rattling fans. When i turn on my machine later fans began to roar really hard and then dropped to normal speed. And there is also red blinking everytime. Temps are good. I do not currently using LINK since i dont need it. And my MVF has two internal usb connectors, so my 900d usb ports are connected to them. I want ask you if you can give me back my money or if you can rma it for h110. I could pay price difference between these coolers.


Thank you and sorry for other issue. :(


Your fan Martin.

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The behavior of the fans starting out at full speed is not a problem or an issue, but a feature of PWM fans. Because of the nature of PWM, the fans will always start at full speed and then drop to the level set by the user when the software boots up and the settings are applied. This happens at boot up, not necessarily at the OS part of the boot process, because the settings are stored in the hardware itself.


The red blinking light could be due to the ongoing issues with Windows 8.1. There are several threads on this issue over in the Corsair Link forum, because that particular problem is related to the Link software.

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