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Dismal Service on Order 7001024**


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I won't try to write a book here, but I've been a long-time Corsair customer and always a fan of the products. In all these years I have never had to deal with customer service, until I actually tried to buy something directly from you!


After searching for a 450d, the Corsair online store was the only place that listed any as in stock. I believe there is an exclusivity period mentioned on the front page. I am traveling the following week and wanted to be sure it got here before the weekend so I paid the extra $40 for 2-day shipping. Completed the purchase on Sunday, 4/13. Should be simple. The rest of the parts of course come from Amazon so no doubt they will arrive on time.


First thing that struck me as odd was that there is no way to check your order online, and the only e-mail I received was from PayPal telling me I authorized a payment.


I called on Monday to confirm stock and to check to make sure the order went through and I was told they were in stock and my order would ship Tuesday.


Tuesday came to pass and no e-mail and the transaction was still pending. I called on Wednesday and was told it would ship Wednesday and that a shipment came in Tuesday, of which my order was allocated 1 unit. On Monday I was told it was IN STOCK.


Thursday came to pass and still no e-mail or update so I called once more. The customer service rep said it would ship Thursday! Whoa, really? I asked if there was any way to actually make sure it shipped given the chain of events and he put me on hold a while to talk to his manager. He came back and said it would for sure ship and they would ship it 1-day to get it here by Friday (today). I said thanks, appreciate it, and was optimistic something would finally work.


The overnight FedEx guy has come and gone today and there is no package from Corsair. Not too surprising, but wow, just wow...I do see that the payment finally went through on PayPal, but still not a single e-mail from Corsair or tracking information. Maybe it went out 2-day, which would put here Monday, but I just can't tell.


Customer service is closed today, so I won't know for a few days unless someone here can help. I left off the last two numbers on the order number, but PM if you need the full number.

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