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Voyager GTR 128GB Not Recognized


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I have been using my Voyager GTR 128 GB drive for a while now. Recently, when I insert my flash drive, Windows 7 tells me that it is not a recognized device and offers to reformat it. I tried this on a second computer with the same results. But when I go to reformat it, it will only allow me to reformat it as a 1.9 GB drive. Has anyone else come across this? The drive has not been abused and has been at my home the whole time.
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My computer only has USB 2.0 ports. The drive had been working for a while and I had put large amounts of important data on it. Now it is completely inaccessible and prompts me to reformat to the 1.9 GB size as soon as I insert the flash drive into the USB port.
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Do you still have any non backup data on it? If so, try it on another OS, e.g. load Parted Magic and see if the drive contents is accessible or plug it into a Mac computer.


If no, Try diskpart to format the drive instead and see if that helps.

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