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Building a Barebones Notebook for your Gaming Rig

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Here's a system build you don't see every day. Our own Dustin Sklavos has built a custom gaming laptop and explains why this might just be the way to go for you. He's posted a You Tube video showing some of the build process and we have a good Facebook discussion going for the ideal gaming rig for LANs.


For you, is it a gaming laptop as we discussed in Dustin's gaming laptop blog linked below? Some compact power in a Corsair 250D? A 3-GPU water cooled 900D monster rig? Something in between?


There are all sorts of considerations for the ideal LAN rig such as size, weight, how you will travel, budget, how much you can bench press, etc.


Picture yourself travelling to and setting up inside Dreamhack, as seen below with 10,000 other gamers. Then, tell us what you'd like to haul into your next LAN and why.


Discuss it here or on FB ::pirate::


Barebones Notebook BLOG


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