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Issue with AX650 PSU


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Hi all,


I have the same issue described in this topic : http://forum.corsair.com/forums/showpost.php?p=704689&postcount=1.


Since early 2012, I had no problem with this PSU but for a few months now I have trouble to power on my rig. As others, I finally power it up by switching rapidly on and off on the PSU.


I tested an OCZ 600W PSU : it works well, the computer powers on on the first press. I tested the Corsair PSU in another computer but didn't manage to power it on. So I switched back in mine and now it doesn't power on anymore.


I opened a ticket last monday to get a RMA and obtain a working PSU, mine is obviously defective and still under warranty. But I have no news for more than a week.


As this issue seems to concern AX series and several customers have ran the same tests to confirm PSU's fault, has anyone having this issue had his PSU exchanged yet ? Is this considered as a known issue ?


It's been a week that my computer is down and I don't want to buy a new PSU. What should I do ?


Thanks for your help !

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