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h100i temp high


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I installed this and the temps seem to be higher then normal said by other people like the pump.


First my CPU was about 10degrees hotter so I took it off and put it back on and it fixed it but the water is about around 30 all the time and I was told that is wrong and to take it back?

No matter if the fan is at 1000 or max 2500



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you were told wrong,30c water temp is great and will go higher as ambient temps increase.,,also idle temps are not that important as the load temps are


^^ This.


You should be more concerned with the CPU temp under load. 30-35 for the coolant is a good result. Load it up and check the cpu temp.


Drag 'H100i Fan1' into the same group as 'H100i Fan 2' first for more balanced speed and airflow round the rad.

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If it is under heavy load which is really only bf4 it doesn't surpass 36c


And the CPU temp used to be on idle around 50 I reinstalled it and it went down a lot.


And I just put the radiator on top and the fans at the bottom since it was the other way around because I was a bit lazy.

I did it because the 780 was hitting 99 and I lost 25fps which does matter when playing on 3 monitors.

Since then everything seems to be the same, still 30c for the water but the 780 seemed to put its fan rpm up to 2100 to keep it at 79-80 degrees this times, Unfortunately I forgot to check before that because I was concerned about the CPU/pump.

Also 780 is on a high 58 on idle which my friend says his 680 OC idle is at 38.

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