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not compatible togheter ?


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Hi, i register this forum to get some help:-)


i buy 2x cm2x2048-c6400c5 5-5-5-18 on ebay. the guy have 4 stick of it on bid, two sticks his v3.1 and other are version 6.1. the guy send me one 3.1 and a 6.1 :-) and they won't fit togheter after memtest even if i set manually cas lentacy and voltage in bios (xfx mobo).


if i do memtest one by one they pass the test but togheter they won't. i try one stick with an other value stick same volt and lantacy and it fail too. to be sure i buy 2 sticks of same model brand new at local store to see (they are v.6.1) and work fine togheter with memtest.


possible that mix version won't work ?


help from a guru would be appreciated, Thx:-)

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Hi Ericktus,


Yes, you are right in that it is not a good idea to mix memory modules from different kits especially those of different revision levels. There are many post on this forum from gurus that tell you that compatibility of a mixed-memory setup will be random at best and will more than likely fail.


To assure maximum chances of any memory upgrade working, purchase a complete kit and do not mix memory.

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