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Hi need help regarding warranty replacement


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Hi, anyone or any officials can help? Well here's my case, i've sent back my K90 & M90 around December 2013 to my seller due to several problems, as he also supports warranty straight to Corsair. So today i have messaged him if my stuffs are back (has been 4 months ffs)...


So he replied me that my K90 is back but the M90 is replaced by the M65, due to Corsair has phased out M90. Now the big question is, does Corsair normally replace OTHER type/class mouse to customers?? I'm no FPS player so i'm confused as to why (if it is true) do they replace other type of mouse to customers,


I've to jump from M90 to M65??? I need some clarification before i approach this guy again guys..


I have read some other threads people are getting a replacement of the new M95 from their M90 RMA..any help guys? Thanks!

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