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H80i problems :(


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yesterday i got some random shutdown, Followed by my h80i flashing red


i have then checked temperatures and there in the 50-60 range on idle and over 80oc on load


I've just updated the firmware (last night after the reset) and that cleared the red lights flashing. made no difference to temps.


So today i've done a total strip down, radiator is clean, pump/heatblock is seated on cpu, fans are config'd in push/pull and all other hardware ruled out.


bios been reset to default.


link says pump is working (i think its wrong) the only thing i've noticed is one pipe was hotter than the other and radiator seemed very cool.


i even moved the cooler to a open bench and it makes no difference to cpu temp.


Cpu : 8320

Motherboard : Sabretooth 990fx

Case : Air 540


Replaced with amd fx8320 stock cooler, temps back to 25 idle and 65 full load on prime 95 which is expected.

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Had the same the same problem while playing BF4. My radiator was as hot as the cpu itself! Maybe I had one of the fans pointed the wrong way for push-pull. I just updated the firmware to1.0.7, I'll try to let you know if that helps. BTW I have an FX 8350



Edit: fixed the problem. never got over 38c in bf4 whereas before I hit 69! :) Think maybe I had one of the fans facing the wrong way LOL

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For me yo have to RMA the Cooler, I had the same problem, with the same CPU FX8320 and ASUS Sabertooth 990FX R.20, My pump Died extremely hot, one of the hose sure get locked, I think is the coolant that they use is bad quality. I sent mine to RMA corsair in california too see whats happens now, I also installed the stock cooler again.

very rare , several person here in this forum with the same problem with H80i and h100i...too bad really, the cooler looks nice and fit perfect in my case NZXT Phamton 410.

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