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K95 in different switches?


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I'm in a debate on whether to get the k70 or k95 right now. I already ordered and returned a k70, reds, and in black with intentions of buying the k95 for the G-keys. I feel like the G-keys really adds more value and fun. However, to be completely honest, reds are somewhat okay for me. I would love to be able to get a k95 in blues or browns.


Will they ever make this possible? If the k70 had 5/6 extra keys like the blackwidow or logitech, it would be absolutely perfect.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ever since the release of the K95 I have been patiently waiting for the keyboard to come in blues. I've been stalking the website and there twitter for quite a long time now hoping for some good news. I have not bought the K95 in reds yet and will never do so because reds are just not for me now if this came with Blues I would buy this when and if it comes out on the first day with no hesitation. With that being said I do still have faith that one day they will release this keyboard with Blues and Browns. Someone needs to start a petition lol. Registered an account just to state my opinion WE NEED BLUES PLEASE! :)
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I'm actually not that interested in the RGB keyboards believe it or not... mostly because I'm scared of the price for when they finally release the thing but if you're right about the K95 RGB with blues and the price is under $200 I'd buy it first day. Noticing that there were also some problems with the leds on the normal K95 and hearing that they fixed the problem with the RGB is awesome to hear. I really hope you're right Toasted :).
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