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K95 Dead LEDS - Will Corsair Pay For Return?


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My ticker number: 6440243


I would like to know if Corsair would pay for the shipping back to the corsair facilitties in Netherlands as the warranty is under 12 months old and it is still relatively new. Sending a keyboard this size in its original packaging etc would cost me around £30, about $50 and thats a rather large sum to pay for an issue that I did not cause.


I mean I've heard people get their return shipping paid for free if it is under 12 months, as various people have with their PSUs and as an owner of corsair products I buy them just for the CS (owning an AX850, 16gb vengeance ram, lots of sp120s and even this keyboard - the k95) it would be disappointing if I would have to pay for the return shipping on this occasion.

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Sorry I do have a support ticket? Thats why the ticker number is there?


Do you mean start a ticket to ask for shipping label?



I've started a ticket to inquire if corsair will pay for the return shipping - but I have already seen many threads on this forum asking similar questions without answer?

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