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New K95 Keyboard


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I just bought this keyboard, was so excited, planed to replace my logitech G510 with it.

I pluged it in, a few lights came on, wont let me type anything. I downloanded new drivers, when I go to install them it says:

"Can not find Corsair K95 keyboard"


I tried the same thing on my other computer with same results.

The only keys lighting up are the very top keys where the macro record button is located. Both computers are less than 18 months old, built with high end parts for gaming, and different enough (ie: amd chip vs intel chip, Radeon vs NVidia) Never had any problems with any other components before.

Is the keyboard bad, or am I doing something wrong. I have tried all my USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports with same results.

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