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Corsair AX750 Power supply slowly dying!


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I bought AX750 power supply in December 2012 and all this time its been fine but suddenly in last 3 weeks or so it started to give me issues.


I noticed a weird problem when I turn off the PC and I can not turn it on normally eg If I press the power button on the case nothing happens (Yes the power is on) because the lights are lit on the motherboard. I tried to start it up by turning it off on from the power supply. Sometimes it turns on sometimes it doesnt. I tried it turning it on and off from the wall, sometimes it starts up and sometimes it doesnt. Thats been happening for 3 weeks.


Also three times my pc turned off while I was using it First I thought It could be an error something. Second time it happened it wouldnt start on, tried everything literally I gave up on it cuz it was night time - thought will try it the next day it worked


Thought I get my friend (works in the IT industry) to have a look - he couldnt find any issues in the computer, so turned it off. Then bam couldnt start it up - took out the RAM, Graphics Card still nothing... tried different power supply it worked fine. ( this was couple of days ago)


So I take it is the power supply.


Computer died on me again tonight and I took the power supply out from the case and did the PSU paper clip test. First test fan wouldnt start up after turning it on and off button several times. Then I tried it again after few mins it worked fine, so thought its not the power supply. Turned it off and on fan wouldnt go hmmm Turned it off on again it worked did it one more time it wouldnt after that it never turned on.


So I take it I will RMA it?


I did bought the power supply in USA but I live in NZ. Does the RMA will work here in Australia/New Zealand? I think they do have an office here in Aus/NZ.

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  • Corsair Employee

I believe an RMA in AUS/NZ needs to go back to Corsair's Taiwan office.


But keep in mind that your symptoms could also mean a faulty motherboard. In my personal experience, about 50/50. So if you replace one and not the other and the problem continues, you know where to look next.

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  • Corsair Employee
If the test fan only turned on 2 out of 3 times, there's probably something wrong with the PSU. If you have a good contact between the turn on lead and a ground wire, that test fan should turn on every time.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Did advance RMA and got a new PSU from Corsair and all is working fine. Went to the post shop to send it back and the posting cost is $100 -150 NZ dollars... ekk thats nearly close to half price of the PSU I paid for. I know corsair doesnt pay for shopping - but shouldnt they be? Cuz when shipping it back to them is that much.
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  • Corsair Employee
I did a quick Google and some have said that FedEx is actually cheaper. Makes sense. Here in the US, the post is only good for mail. FedEx costs half as much when it comes to boxes. Even UPS can be expensive. Also, look into DHL. That's what all my friends in Asia use because they're very lax on the customs stuff.
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I did a quick Google and some have said that FedEx is actually cheaper. Makes sense. Here in the US, the post is only good for mail. FedEx costs half as much when it comes to boxes. Even UPS can be expensive. Also, look into DHL. That's what all my friends in Asia use because they're very lax on the customs stuff.


Thanks - I did try DHL, UPS and Fedex and they all are saying around $200 on there website. Will ring all them tonight to see what they say - I might be putting something wrong on there website.

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Had public holidays here in NZ for last 4 days so just got in contact with fedex they have said $280 - $340 because they use commercial line (person on the phone said that). I guess I will stick with NZ post $100 dollars then. I know its not Corsair fault but I will think twice about getting anything from overseas...


or corsair should be paying for people RMA cost?? Yeah the cost will be high depends on the country but if the shipping cost is half the price or nearly more then the original product people will think twice about purchasing...

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