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20+4 pin power connector does not fit in motherboard socket correctly (90% in)


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I have spent at least an hour trying to fit a 24-pin power connector from the power supply into the socket on the motherboard. At first we thought that the reason it did not go in was that there was a tab in the way which we had to pull back but after trying repetitively we did not succeed and it seemed that a pin or socket was mis-aligned. Pictures of both components:






I am wandering wether it is just me or the pins/sockets are bent. If they are, how should I go about trying to repair them? I have tried moving them with a pin but they won't stay in one place.


The power supply is a Corsair CX 430M

The motherboard is an MSI 970A-G43


Please note that this is my first build so try to keep answers simple - I am not an expert - if there is any more information that would help, don't hesitate to ask!


I have found many others with this problem and I am not sure why it doesn't go in. I have pushed as hard as I can and it has got not further. The 4 pin will go in fine but the 20 pin doesn't. I have no idea whether it is in fact bent pins or just a faulty cable and if the problem persists I will probably send the part back as faulty.

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The 4 pins are fine. The ones on the far right seemed blocked but I have very carefully pushed a safety pin down each one as well as tipped the motherboard upside down to remove any possible blockage. They should go in fine, but they don't.


I have pushed literally as hard as I can and they still won't go in. I think the part is faulty to be honest.

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  • 1 year later...

I am also having the same problem but am using a CX 750 M and it seems to me that the issue is with the tabs that connect the 20 pin and 4 pin connectors together.

Please notice like I am sure everyone has, that the MOB connector is very smooth sided with not option to accept the tabs when a 24 pin connector is used.

I would have thought that Corsair in it's need to be able to support either a 20 or 24 pin power connector, to make these tabs removable or at least state in the directions that it is permissible to remove them if required.

If an individual from Corsair would kindly respond with an answer or at least tell me that I can remove the tables, I sure would be thankful!

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  • Corsair Employee

If you think that's the problem, you can remove the tabs, but please be careful that the orientation is correct when you plug it back in.


There is a common issue with a high insertion force required to plug in the 24-pin. This is actually because the tolerance of the pins are too tight. That said, while it can be difficult to insert, it should eventually go in.

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