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Corsair H100i isn't recognised on internal USB headers


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Ok, so I have had this built for about 2 months now and nothing I do will get the H100i to be recognised when it is plugged into the internal USB headers on my GA-X79-UD3 motherboard.


I have tried every header on the board, every version Corsair's link software with every possible firmware combination, I have even had a new cable sent to me from Corsair but nothing has changed.


The only time I can get it to work is when I plug in an external USB to micro USB cable and plug it into one of my rear ports.


What am I doing wrong or have missed.




Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for all the help, :p: I have got it all working finally with a few tweeks to get it all installed correctly. So I thought I would share a quick breakdown of what I did to help if you have a similar issue.


1. Remove all installed drivers and software relating to the H100i. So Corsair link, USB driver and anything else you have.


2. RESTART THE COMPUTER, this was clearly a very important step that I was choosing to ignore.


3. Reinstall all the Corsair link software and driver.




5. Following this my H100i was still not detected so try unplugging the mini USB connection from the pump as opposed to the USB header on the motherboard and then restarting.


6. Once you have Restarted and your OS has loaded plug the mini USB back into the pump and allow your OS to work some driver finding magic.


7. And BAM! Everything back to where it should be.


Worked for me anyway.

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hey wtootell,


Only way I got the link software to work consistently was to (1) unplug the internal usb header (2) start up my machine and then (3) plug in the internal usb header WHILE the OS is up and running.

After I did this the OS recognized the H100i and installed the necessary drivers and upon reboot, voila there was the LED, pump status, speed, fans, etc, the whole thing worked properly for me. However be careful while doing this and make sure you keep one hand grounded on the chassis of the PC and be surgical about it. One jolt of static could ruin the entire system.

It is beyond me why it won't work natively with Windows sometimes and others it does - btw I'm running Win8.1 Corsair really needs to get on the ball as I see this is happening a lot. This has halted me from purchasing the corsair cooling and lighting kit I want to get so badly, and in the future may stop me from getting that sweet new RGB keyboard as well!!

Anyways let me know how it goes!

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