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New H80i works awesome but constant whirring noise


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I purchased a new H80i through Amazon about 1 month ago and installed this maybe 3 weeks ago. I was having real high temps (upper 80's) on my overclocked I7 2600K under load and was wanting another solution besides air. My temps with the H80i max out at 66 under benchmarking and extended processor load testing so I am really happy with the results. However, my mid-tower sits on my desktop and there is this constant whirring noise coming from the pump. At first I was like whatever but it has gotten quite annoying now. I did some research and I am really disappointed to see this may be a problem known to this cooler series.


I saw on youtube that some people have this work around where the pump controller is connected to a fan controller or something like that but I have no interest in trying this since I am not a real computer savvy guy. I filed a ticket with Corsair so hopefully it can be addressed.


What is further annoying now is my Corsair 650W Power Unit fan developed a subtle high pitched bearing noise about a year ago that has been annoying but I just played music to drown it out. Know that I have this lower whirring noise from the H80i, I have about had enough. I spec the systems for my office as well and I think my support for Corsair products may be slipping but we'll see how the customer service is. I can understand a product being faulty but good customer service can help alleviate that.

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I can try that but can't I just turn the fans off?


You know what, I just tried it and you seem to be right, it seems to come from the two fans. I feel like a dipshiit now. Regardless, the whirring noise needs to be addressed. Under real load, the fan whir is pretty loud.

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They are 4 pin connectors. Funny, I should have gone in from the get go and played with Corsair link. By throwing the fans on Performance, I would have seen the noise relation right away.


Still, those are loud fans. My 2 front panel fans do not make near that noise but hen again, I cannot seem to control them so maybe their RPM is much lower.

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if it isnt much trouble and may seen silly but try swapping the fans around as one may be causing noise turbulence with the other.

also as a alternative you may try running one fan which would only result in a couple degrees difference...

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